Education, Career, Personal development & Relationships counselling

About image
Saeed Shahani - M.B.A and Certified Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming and got various training and certification from renowned Internationally recognized bodies.

My Mission is to help you get clarity on what you really want out of your life and your career. You may already know where you would like to make significant improvements. You might feel 'stuck', conflicted, stressed or unfulfilled. You might feel something is missing or a desire for more out of life. Whatever your situation, as your personal & career coach, I will help you get the results you want.

Summary of Personal Training and Development:
  - Dr. Stephen Covey’s developed Training
  - 8th Habit from Effectiveness to Greatness - Franklin Covey, Cyprus
  - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for Managers. -Franklin Covey, Dubai
  - 4 Roles of Leadership, -Franklin Covey
  - Focus: Achieving Highest Priorities -Franklin Covey
  - 4 Disciplines of Execution – Franklin Covey

First Institute of Dynamic Learning Certified by Dr. Richard Bandler the co-founder of    Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) for Society of NLP (USA).

- Licensed NLP Practitioner Certification Training
- Hypnosis Practitioner Training
- Charismatic Public Speaking Training
- Personal Empowerment Through NLP
- DOUBLE Your Reading Speed & Develop Better Memory & Concentration

 - Master of Self through NLP      

Institute of Mind Sciences
  - The Fourth Dimension – Mind Power  
  - Magnetic Money Mind  
Institute of DIANETICS
 - Communication skills development